Claim clinic – injury Claim



As an accident victim, you must be compensated fairly for injuries you have suffered.

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Our easy Online Claim process

It takes 5 minutes or less to submit your claim. We will
Deposit your settlement money directly into your bank account,
We want you to get your moneys fast.

Emergency Room Care

Chiropractic Care

Do most car accident victims treat with a chiropractor?

Yes. this is a doctor who specializes in manipulation of body to relieve pain.

Physical Therapy Care

Diagnostic Exams

Do I have to go for MRI or X ray?

Yes. most chiropractors and physical therapists will order MRI

Is the MRI really necessary for my car accident case?

Yes. this is how the doctor shows insurance or court what areas you injured in the accident.

Pain Management Care

Do most car accident victims treat with pain management specialist?

Yes. if chiropractic or physical therapy cannot finish pain, they ask pain management to try.

Who is a pain management specialists?

a medical doctor who specializes in dealing with body pain.

What will pain management specialist use to treat me?

can prescribe more therapy, pain medicine or certain injections medicine to treat pain.

Orthopedist Care

Do most car accident victims treat with an orthopedists Doctor?

Yes. they may be recommended by chiropractor, physical therapy or pain specialist if injury is severe

Who is an orthopedist doctor?

a medical doctor specialized in injuries of your body dealing with bones and joints

what will an orthopedist doctor use to treat me?

most cases they evaluate, recommend and perform necessary surgeries to treat the injured area.

Paying for medical care

Who pays for all my medical treatments?

Your new york no fault benefits or new jersey pip benefits in your auto policy

How can Tri State Legal Lawyer help Me?

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why Tri State Legal for your Slip n Fall

All in your IOS or Android phone. Injury law meets the 21st century. Easily file your claim, build your claim, get paid. We are making injury claim too easy